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We see our event in the default view - List View. The event is shown in the Short Detail view.

We can jump to different dates using the drop-downs across the top. We can put in a search string in the field provided. The Go button is pressed to execute these requests. At the far left, you can switch views.

At the bottom, we have the "Home" button. Again, you can configure where this button goes. By default it goes to the database welcome screen. You can suppress the button completely or go to any URL that you like.

If we had Event Type and/or Audience enabled, they would also appear at the top and be used as search options.

This page looks forward from the starting date specified and continues searching for events until it finds a full page. If there are more events, the user is presented with Next 10 Events and Previous 10 Events buttons.

This view has the advantage that it will look quite far into the future for events. It is the best view for searching. People can find a rodeo three years in the future with this page.