Site Information, Organization

SiteInfo.gif (19712 bytes)

Organization Name: The organization name.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

Address: The organization's address.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

City: The city in which the organization is located.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

State: The state in which the organzation is located.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

Zip: Displayed on the opening web page.

Phone: Displayed on the opening web page.

Fax: Displayed on the opening web page.

Contact Person: Person to contact with questions or problems.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

Contact Email: Email address of the Contact Person.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

Comments: General comment about the site or organization.  It is displayed on the opening web page.

Home Page:  The organization's home page.

Include Copyright on each page?: Checkbox.    Should a copyright be included on each page?  If checked, a copyright is displayed on each page within the site. 

Copyright file to include: The path and filename of the file to be used for copyrights.  It can be either a TEXT file or an HTML file.  (Example:  C:\INTERNET\COPYRIGHT\MYCOPYRIGHT.TXT)

Organization Logo:  A relative URL to the organization's logo.  (Example:  images\MYLOGO.GIF)

March 20, 1999   tlh